They want us to take a moment and remember George Floyd…
So lets remember him:
A turd upon society, never being a model citizen….
A man who was a drug addict, a career petty criminal, who was arrested for trying to pass a fake $20 bill…
Who , at the time, was high as the moon on fentanyl, and other substances.
Who fought the cops trying to arrest him.
Who struggled so much they dogpiled him.
Ultimately, he died of the overdose. But his death was blamed, in the media stories, as the officers crushing his neck by kneeling on him….Which wasn’t true.
Lets remember that he was used to rile up the black population…because nearly all of them have had a brush with the police because, overall, they are not, generally, as law abiding as other demographics…..And the Democrats needed the black votes to make any election close enough that tampering was possible.
So yes, by all means, let’s remember him….for what he was.
Good point. He was NOT a choirboy!
and let’s not forget he punched his pregnant girlfriend in the gut to get drug money. and had just assaulted the storekeeper that refused the fake 20’s. and…
…And this is the guy that Joe and the ‘ho chose to “memorialize” this Memorial Day…
…These people care NOTHING for our country…