Spozed to be winds of less than 10 knots for when I had scheduled the airplane.
and they were….but the occasional (mostly not too “Occasional” though) gusts to 24 made me rethink that. On the other hand, it ain’t like I will never encounter gusty wind conditions…But I didn’t wanna waste my money and not learn anything.
However, in the end, I went up with an instructor and (mostly) hit my marks…. Crosswind shortfield landings in gusty conditions are a challenge though.
And more challenging if you don't practice on a regular basis!
One of the first skills to go sour is the ability to handle crosswind takeoffs and landings, especially if one hasn’t flown in three or four weeks. And the fewer hours a pilot has, the quicker the skills deteriorate. Kudos to you. You were wise in going up with an instructor.
Gusty conditions are difficult enough. Crosswinds can be difficult depending on wind speed and angular difference to the landing runway. Combine the two and you have a real challenge. Add in the short field and probably the first thing I would recommend to a new/low time pilot is to choose another runway or airport. Aeronautical decision making in action.
Winds were all over the place. 170 to 220…sometimes from one pattern to the next. and the gusts made each approach….interesting.
I took an instructor to get some pointers to hone my skills, not really for safety. But once I got there, I was glad he was available. Although he mostly critiqued my technique.