Isn’t it interesting

How the Democrats are all for Activist Judges when that activist Judge is a Liberal, and blatantly “Legislates from the Bench”  FOR liberal causes….

But they absolutely oppose any Supreme Court Justice nominee who might have an opinion on anything they oppose. Who might apply, you know, the LAW, as written, or the meaning of the Constitution to cases brought before the Court.

Odd disparity, doncha think?

Or is it that the Dems just care about their causes over the rule of law? 

4 thoughts on “Isn’t it interesting

  1. Reverse the discussion. Republicans are all for activist Judges when that activist Judge is a conservative, and blatantly "Legislates from the Bench" FOR conservative causes….

    But they absolutely oppose any Supreme Court Justice nominee who might have an opinion on anything they oppose. Who might apply, you know, the LAW, as it is interpreted in today's society, or the meaning of the Constitution to cases brought before the Court.

    Odd disparity, doncha think?

    Or is it that the Repubs just care about their causes over the rule of law?

    You and me, we're both the same. We just happen to take opposite sides of different issues.


  2. Not the same thing. They use the Constitution, and the words therin.

    Not so Liberals.

    Were that the case, Roe V Wade would have been remanded back to the states (Not that I think it should be repealed, just that the LAW was poorly judged).

    But Law, and Constitutionality is TWISTED by the courts, especially the more Liberal ones.

    For an example, see the Circuit Courts regarding the Travel ban, which was, in the end, overturned by the Supremes.

    There was no basis of law upon which to put a hold on the Travel Ban, except that "Liberals Didn't Like It".

    Show me some of that Conservative "Legislation from the bench"

  3. I would love to see the bench truly unbiased, as it should be. Seeing how we don't live in lala land and that won't happen, I hope Trump gets to put a few more conservatives on the bench. With the young people being brainwashed into thinking socialism is good, the judicial system may at least slow down the liberals destruction of our country as they get Bernie types in office. Old Ginsburg can't hold on forever. Satan is bound to call that evil witch home at some point. I am starting to thing even he doesn't want her.

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