‘Tis interesting

So in an argument over global warming at anther site, I pointed out the fact that NASA, NOAA, The Brits, and the Australians had all been changing temperature data.

Also that Sea Ice has been both lesser and greater in the past 100 years than it is now.

I was asked for cites, which I provided.

The response? The predictable “I don’t believe you/those sources are not Peer Reviewed (which means that they haven’t been approved by those who will tell us what to believe) therefore they are not valid”.  In other words, “I don’t want to learn because I have already made up my mind….”

I’ts like arguing with a newly converted (Insert Religion Here) that just won’t listen to any data which does not fit their preconceived thought patterns.

I might be wrong about global warming, but I have yet to see ANY data that has’t been “massaged” that purports to prove it is real. And I still ask these folks “if you believe that Glowbal Warming is real, why don’t you live as if you believed that it is real?”…they never answer.

With all of the above, I am reminded of the old phrase “Never try to teach a pig to sing…..It wastes your time and annoys the pig”.

ETA: Stolen from HERE:

2 thoughts on “‘Tis interesting

  1. “I’ts like arguing with a newly converted (Insert Religion Here) that just won't listen to any data which does not fit their preconceived thought patterns.”

    B, sometimes I feel the same way when presenting an argument to you. You and I may agree on many things, and we may never agree on some things. On the things we agree on, we are both right, except when we are both wrong. On the things we disagree on, one of us is right and the other wrong. We can’t be like Major Frank Burns (M*A*S*H) who said “I may not always be right, but I’m never wrong”.

    The trick is in knowing when one is right and admitting when one is wrong.


  2. Indeed. I was taught (and I REALLY try to) always assess if the data upon which I am basing my choices on is valid, and further, that I am making the choice from logic, not emotion.

    Generally I succeed.

    In the above case, I am sure of it.

    Data does not match the AGW folks wishes. The earth is not, at this time, warming. Nor, again, have any of the models actually been shown to be even close to what is, you know, real. There have been decades where the sea ice, and the mean (or average) temperature has exceeded and been below what we observe today. Unless you are attempting to "Hide the Decline" then that is what our datasets show.

    Believe whtever you wish. I know who is the "teacher" and who is the "pig"….

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