Lemme see if I got this straight:?

Trump wants to enforce a Non Disclosure Agreement against someone with whom he has had no contact, that does not in any way affect him, because…..Why? If he’s not involved then what does it matter? And if he IS involved…..

And she wants the courts to nullify it because she wants to talk, and even though she signed it and agreed to the terms of the Non Disclosure agreement, she thinks that because public comments feel she should be able to violate it without penalties, it should be null and void?

I’m getting confused here….

3 thoughts on “Lemme see if I got this straight:?

  1. Three predictions:
    1) he comes out of this unscathed,
    2) she regrets speaking about it, and
    3) the only people to make an issue of this, or try to, are Democrats and the GOPe #NeverTrumpers.

  2. 1. Trump says it never happened.
    2. White House denies the reported events.
    3. Personal attorney for Trump makes a $130,000 payment to Ms. Stormy as a result of 'arbitration'.
    4. Attorney says he paid from his own account.
    5. Attorney (and White House) claims this arbitration was done without Mr. Trump's knowledge.

    First, where can I find this attorney that pays people on my behalf. Second, can I get only, say, $50,000 for not having sex with Trump? (I'm cheap, I know it). Lastly, can anyone honestly believe an arbitration case would progress, let alone reach a settlement, without one of the participants knowledge? Can't we just move on to President Pence and pretend to forget about the last 16 months?



  3. I don't believe it any more than you do.

    'But really Trumps first 16 months have been better than Barry's first 16.

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