Next up: Washington Memorial.
Sharpton wants the Thomas Jefferson Memorial to come down.
Watch the video at the bottom. It is telling.
(Notice how the death of the two Troopers in a helicopter accident is blamed on the protests (and notice how Sharpton is led to say the things Charlie Rose wants him to say))
You watch; this will segue into all of us bad old white people having to pay "reparations." Mark my words; it's coming…
We have already paid reparations, fifty years worth.
Sharpton needs to be dragged by the ear into tax court and then led directly to jail.
I can't right off the top of my head think of a more useless waste of skin than that weasel bastard.
It's going to come down to shootings… Sooner rather than later when they poke the 'wrong' group of grumpy old men.