That white people don’t blame all black people for some ignorant, inner city “yoots” doing a terribly racist thing, and beating and torturing a white man….and a mentally disabled one at that.
And it is a good thing we aren’t disposed towards rioting and violence and burning neighborhoods and such….and that we (mostly) respect the rule of law.
So we don’t riot,we don’t lynch people just because they have more melanin than we do, we don’t burn out black neighborhoods….And,in fact, we don’t judge based on a facebook post or a sensationalized news story….We, in fact. generally let Justice take its course.
‘Cause if we did, and were so inclined, the carnage would be terrible. (there is more of us than of them, and despite the posturing, we are better armed and better trained to use ’em.)
Very well worded. Could not agree more.