or then again, you may not have…
Anyway, Barry Obama has had a LOT to say about Ferguson, MO…..and yet, he couldn’t find the time to say anything about the 2 star General who was killed in Afghanistan, who was buried today in a private ceremony. (Probably why Barry wasn’t there, the ceremony was barred to reporters)
Couldn’t be bothered to say anything at all, much less attend the funeral….or send the Vice Prez…and a notable missing presence was the SecDef.
Dude couldn’t be bothered to even say anything to acknowledge the dead.
I find that saddening and disgusting.
But there is a lot of that going on around Barry these days.
That's our Barry, unfortunately. On the plus side, the Generals family didn't have to deal with any of the Obamas or Biden during their time of grief. Wonder if Obama will join his brethren and add a Reverend before his name after he leaves office. One heck of a race baiter.