depending on the political party of the affected candidate…..
So 2 years ago, a different candidate was dropped from the ballot because he didn’t have enough valid signatures on his election petition.
OK, thems the rules.
Fast forward two years: Obama appointed (isn’t that a surprise!) Judge Matthew Leitman decided to bend the rules and allow US Representative Conyers to be placed on the ballot despite not having enough valid signatures on HIS petition.
Now, the difference between the two candidates, other than 2 years, is, of course, political party.
Republican Thad McCotter DIDN’T get on the ballot (in 2012), because he didn’t have enough valid signatures on his election petition.
Democrat John Conyers IS to be placed on the ballot in 2014, even though nearly half of his signatures are invalid.
Notice the difference?
When the rules are not solid, but are, in fact, mutable, we no longer have a country of laws.
When they are applied differently to different people….
We have tyranny.
I see 4 or 5 BB guns on the table. They're part of an "arsenal"? Wait, maybe they can find some really sharp sticks to throw on that table.