The Romneycare bill comes due.
“But last August Beacon Hill was forced to impose new price controls and a cap on overall state health spending because “health-care spending has crowded out key public investments,” as Mr. Patrick puts it in his budget.
He’s right about that: Health care was 23% of the state fisc in 2000, and 25% in 2006, but it has climbed to 41% for 2013. On current trend it will roll past 50% around 2020—and that best case scenario assumes Mr. Patrick’s price controls work as planned. (They won’t.) In real terms the state’s annual health-care budget is 15% larger than it was in 2007, while transportation has plunged by 22%, public safety by 17% and education by 7%. Today Massachusetts spends less on roads, police and schools after adjusting for inflation than it did in 2007.”
“Last week the second-term Democrat followed his party’s recent habit and proposed an increase in the state’s single-rate income tax to 6.25% from 5.25%, the first in more than 20 years. The Bay State constitution requires a flat rate, so the Governor is sticking it to all taxpayers.”
Just wait until it is nationwide. Until you have to wait weeks for an appointment. Until the cost triples. Until Doctors won’t work because they don’t get paid enough (or for months or years).
Just wait….