One of the largest differences between the Republican leaning conservative voting block and the DNC leaning liberal voting block is the method by which they express their anger and disappointment.
Lets face it, If the conservative bunch chose to riot and rampage, the destruction and death toll would be huge.
But we don’t. We retrench and wait for the next opportunity. We don’t destroy our community and that of others. We don’t riot and loot. We just wait for the next opening to change things.
Not so with the folks who are liberal and organized by the DNC and their minions.
They’ll riot at the drop of a hat. Many of them will have nothing to lose, it’s not like you’ll lose your job if you don’t show because you are in jail if you are on welfare or receiving other “entitlements”. Nor are that groups rules for behavior the same as conservatives.
So what happens when Obama loses (if he does, if Mitt can keep from screwing up the momentum he currently has)?
Some say riots in the streets. Maybe race riots.
If I lived in a large city with a significant “entitlement” population, I’d be cautious. I’d stock some extra food and water. Maybe make plans to park my automobiles in a safer and more secure place than on the street. Perhaps make plans to be elsewhere shortly after the election.
Mobs are cruel. Mobs are uncaring. Mobs can turn at any moment from “mostly peaceful” protest to terribly violent riots.
I’d be prepared for that, if I lived in a city that was largely “Blue” and had a significant portion of the population fed and clothed and housed via government payments.
Luckily, I don’t live in an area like that. If you do, I’d consider making plans.
I agree. I have seen some pretty threatening posts online about inner city folks rioting if the Bummer loses.
Could get ugly.
At least they usually just loot and burn their own neighborhoods. Some neighborhoods don't look much different before and after.
I'm worried…as I have trip planned with my sister to be in DC, from the 6th through the 9th, & feel very uneasy about going at that time.
Donna G.
Funny that I have heard just the opposite…. Riots if he wins, so whos rioting here, I guess everyone that is for or against…. Hmmmm sounds abit funny if you ask me…
I'm getting the hell outta town… sigh… A week of vacation in a 'safe' location! 🙂
I have my doubts that these threats are anything but another ploy to buy 'fear votes' for Obama…If these threats prove to be legitimate, roll out the Beer-Drinkin Boyscouts (National Guard)
Roll some Humvees around the edge of the 'entitlement zones' and let the ignorants destroy their own neighborhoods…when its over, round them all up and shackle them up like a Georgia Chain-gang and make them repair all the damage–they WILL think twice next time….
I'll second that!
I have my doubts that these threats are anything but another ploy to buy 'fear votes' for Obama…If these threats prove to be legitimate, roll out the Beer-Drinkin Boyscouts (National Guard)
Roll some Humvees around the edge of the 'entitlement zones' and let the ignorants destroy their own neighborhoods…when its over, round them all up and shackle them up like a Georgia Chain-gang and make them repair all the damage–they WILL think twice next time….