I’ve written about “poverty” here is the US. Now (to channel the Won) “let me be clear:”
There is indeed poverty in the US. But what most people would consider “poverty” elsewhere in the world, and what the government considers “Poverty” here is the US are magnitudes apart….
The fact is that most people in the US who live is “poverty” live better than nearly everyone else in the world, including middle-class Europeans. They have bigger homes, more toys, better transportation, and nicer appliances.
And again, we are borrowing money from the future in order to help these folks…..
Now I have no issues with feeding the truly starving, no housing the truly homeless.
But there are actually very few of those in the US.
And I think that if you take ONE DIME of assistance, you should be able to test clean for drugs. Else you get nothing. And you should be tested at least yearly.
But than again, I am cruel and heartless.
I do not know why I have such issues posting here. I'll try again:
OK, that worked. I wonder what was hosed up?
Anyway, as I was trying to say, there's a LOT that is good and decent about helping the less fortunate, and all decent people I know do so, in one way or another.
it is the height of evil to force someone to do so with the power of the fedgov
Amen, brother. If you wish to donate your hard earned money to a charity, or give it to another, that is your choice.
But when I take it from you, and you have (essentially) no choice, then it is theft, pure and simple.
Especially when it is used to provide for an existence that most folks in the world would consider luxurious.