If you weren’t there, you missed out

Dinner at my Brother’s house. All his kids, some of the other nieces, me and the parents.

3 dogs.

The food was outstanding. My sister in law does everything from scratch, and the care she takes shows in the excellence of the meal.

That’s ham, turkey, smashed taters w/gravy, corn casserole, mac and cheese, and a roll. Enough calories to feed an entire ethiopian village for 3 days.

I had another plateful minus the ham, and plus some of the other sides that wouldn’t fit on the first plate.

Then 2 pieces of pie (there were 4 choices, plus cake, plus cookies).

A cup of coffee to help me stay awake.

I hope that you, wherever you were, had it as good. (‘Cause it doesn’t get much better than that).

Was good to see my family, the nieces and their men, and have everyone (that could get there) together.

Remember why we celebrate Thanksgiving in the US. For those who live elsewhere, who don’t celebrate, you really miss out.

2 thoughts on “If you weren’t there, you missed out

  1. For me, dinner at the in-laws. Wife’s brother and his family from DC were there too.
    I have never, ever, ever, ever had such a dry turkey and NO GRAVY !!!!.
    FIL is 84 and it was comical watching him fight the cooked turkey, trying to cut off the plastic retainer that held the legs together (did this immediately after pulling the turkey from the oven)………
    MIL over cooked her dressing
    I made the mashed potatoes and they were the best part of dinner.
    Wine was good too…….

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