The roof repair work party at the range on Saturday was well attended….we actually had 14 men show up (this is more than twice what I expected)..
Weather was perfect….Cool, not much wind, bright and sunny.
Everyone showed up prepared to work. Gloves, the proper tools, kneepads and other PPE.
The job that I expected to take 7 or more hours was done in less than 5. At one point, people were sitting around ’cause there wasn’t enough room for everyone to work in the space to finish the work. There were logistical bottlenecks with equipment ’cause I didn’t plan on so many people.
It is a nice problem to have, too many people, when you organize a work party, generally you gel less than 5% participation.
I think we fixed the metal roof well enough that, except for maintenance (coating it every 3 or 4 years), it should last for at least another 10 years….maybe more.
I believe this is the first time that we had more help than we needed in the 20 years I have been organizing and participating in work parties as a member of the range .