Question for you:

So do you trust any vaccines any more?

Do you trust that the Flu shot won’t be contaminated (perhaps “Adulterated” is a better word) with MRNA crap? Measels? Shingles? Rabies? Any vaccine? Any at all?

Can you trust ANY Public Health intitative, ever, going forward?

I really don’t believe I can, not any more. I no longer trust the Medical Establishment. Unsure what to do at this point.



9 thoughts on “Question for you:

  1. “I really don’t believe I can, not any more. I no longer trust the Medical Establishment.” That’s me, right there. No, no, no. Even my PCP.

  2. big pharma already announced they were re-working the old vax to be mrna. i don’t trust anything out of them or the fda. new drugs are approved with little testing that have major side affects and do little good, in the single digits. most “good” outcomes are statistically insignificant, well withing standard deviation. i read as many as 50% of shingles vaxers get shingles directly after the shot! further study into hpv/ hpv vax shows no link to cancer and no evidence the vax even works, while producing significant side affects. just the tip of the iceberg. my doc saved my life once but he is a company shill like the rest. they get bonuses for getting us to vax.

  3. My doc, asks with a grin, you do want your shot. Of anything and I always reply Nope not today. He smiles and goes on his way. He knows me and that I have refused every shot offered in the last 18 years. But he did his duty, he asked.

  4. Had to establish new PCP. He asked about shots: “NFW, dammit.” “No prescriptions?” Again, “NFW.” Probably not going to get irritating phone calls suggesting I need to come in for checkups, that kinda shit.

  5. The clot shot was a real eye-opener into the collusion between The Swamp and Big Pharma. No, I neither trust these people nor the “vaccines” anymore. I can’t help but fell that I, along with most of America, have been scammed pretty much our entire lives!

    Say; has anyone else out there noticed how much more common SHINGLES is now? All of my life I was told that once I had Chickenpox I was safe from Shingles. Up until recently I never knew of anyone getting Shingles. Now, all of a sudden, people immunized by Chickenpox are NOT immune and ARE getting shingles. But wait… There’s a “vaccine…” Something stinks here… ‘Probably the bullshit…

    • if you’ve ever had chicken pox, the shingles virus is in your body, forever. your immune system is tuned to resist it. a shingles outbreak occurs when the immune system is weakened. there is the key. why is everybody’s immune system weakening? one guess, rhymes with david tax.

  6. Sadly, based on recent events, one must question anything and everything now coming from “scientists”. Because they are as easily bought as politicians. I recently had my TDaP updated… reluctantly. But only because I have seen the results of infection by Tetanus and Pertussis. You do NOT want those diseases. But most of the panoply of injections recommended for seniors gets declined. I’ll risk getting shingles over getting a dose of mRNA.

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