They are never gonna let it go, are they?

Biden names new Emmett Till monument as US grapples with racist history.

Look, It was a long time ago. at what point does the blame stop? I wasn’t there. My Dad didn’t do it, HIS Dad didn’t do it. Stop blaming us for it. In fact, start applying the same metric to Black crimes.

At what point will they quit flogging a kid’s murder from 68 years ago? It seems every place they can find is to become a sacred site…His hometown, the church where his parents attended, the courthouse where his accused were sentenced, etc.

The kid wasn’t a hero, he was a victim. His life wasn’t anything special, he wasn’t touched by God, he didn’t accomplish anything. Yet his name has become a sacred word in the Leftist led Black movement.


2 thoughts on “They are never gonna let it go, are they?

  1. The time has come for someone to put up a life-size bronze monument to Emmett Till’s underpants, and charge suckers $5 a throw to see it.

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