Or so the DNC folks have been telling us for years as illegals continue to pour across the open border…. . At least they seem to think (or at least they keep saying, anyway) that nothing will keep those southern border crossers out….In fact, they are even trying to keep Arizona from building walls….
But Ukraine (among lots of other nations in and around Europe) seem to think that they will help with border security.
I wonder how many US aid dollars are going towards funding the Ukraine/Belarus border wall….and how much is being skimmed off by Zelenskyy and kicked back to the folks in the US who approved the funding?
No idea, but damned sure a few million!
most of it. that’s what cause the ftx crypo crash last week. just like the panam papers.
panama papers.
Pedo joe told markie mark kelly before the elections that he was going to build Arizona some border walls , and markie mark bragged about it in his ads. So are we going to get our border walls , or is markie mark and the pedo lying to us again?