I remember

So now that the weather is warming, and it is less uncomfortable to go out on a Friday or Saturday night,….and as pretty much all of the Covid Protocols are completely lifted….I have an issue.


Some restaurants did what the Health Department and local governments required…but no more. They just wanted to follow the rules put upon them so they could stay open.

Other businesses not so much….. They went to carry out only and closed their dining rooms, or would only deliver to you in your car as they were afraid of having people in their indoor spaces because of the fear of covid….Others that had a drive through went to Drive Thru only out of fear of covid. .

I remember those that closed portions of their business out of fear….because of ignorance, mostly, but their actions made me angry.

Now, of course, they want people to patronize their dining rooms…(More money, bigger ticket, plus alcohol sales in many cases.) Fuck-’em. I choose to spend my money where the ignorant fear did not take hold, where management and owners actually used their brains rather than cowered in fear and ignorance.

Lots of places to eat. I’m not gonna support those ignorant and fearful fools. They have every right to conduct their business as they saw fit. I have every right to spend my money elsewhere…They probably still wear masks when alone in their cars.