So sometime during the 14 hours that I was gone delivering supplies, the blog went down.
I emailed the tech folks late last night and they got it fixed.
The trip:
The drive down wasn’t bad, we took a whole Tahoe full of supplies (an overload, really) to folks who are gonna distribute it to people that need ’em. More stuff, actually than if we would have flown them down, as things like extension cords are heavy. All told we had a bit over a half ton of extension cords, power strips, generator oil, gas cans (empty) and other things that had been requested…..all donated by local people and businesses here in Indiana.
I gotta say, I haven’t done a road trip like that for a long time…it was fun, but whereas once a 20+hour trip, stopping only for gas and bathroom breaks was nothing at all, nowadays a 14 hour trip is kinda tiring.
Having said that, we got there, delivered our supplies, turned around, and left. The devastation was….impressive. This wasn’t the first tornado scene I had witnessed (I’ve been up close and personal with the whirlwinds) I have to say that the damage at Mayfield was shocking…perhaps because of the way they build things there, perhaps this was just a really strong tornado, either way the area affected was devastated. As I said, I have seen tornadoes up close and personal, and others shortly after their passing, and this scene still impressed me….even weeks later.
Good on you, you are a kind man. I did the same when Katrina walked across Hattiesburg, MS. Took gas, generators(x4), more water than I can account for but those folks were sure glad to see us. A fine man you are sir. Congratulations.