Mike Bloomberg thinks that farming is easy:
He thinks that machining is pretty simple:
He believes that all those farmers and all those machinists are too stupid to learn something he considers difficult.
Seriously, he thinks y’all are stupid and simple, and that your jobs don’t require much in the way of brains or intellect.
“Information Technology”, now that is hard work, requiring both brains and intellect, something which farmers and machinists just don’t have…If they can read and use a computer at all.
Probably better if you don’t tax yourself and think on it too hard.
Leave that to smarter folks like him and his chosen.
Pass this on to everyone you know. Make sure that people know what elitist Mikey thinks about us plain people.
HT: Feral Irishman
Quality in-group signalling on his part. He and the rest of the "elite" set get to lord it over everyone else 'case they're just so much smarter than those common people.
As you say, best not to think about it too much. The smugness and belief they have all the answers is the worst part of it.