Also, 26 years ago today, we have the anniversary of the day when our Government went berserk in middle Texas and killed 76 men, women, and children who were holed up and simply resisting arrest. Killed ’em with fire and gas.
And when that happened, the rest of the citizens sat around and watched it on TV.
And we didn’t hunt down and kill those responsible because the folks they killed were a bit strange and were portrayed by the Media as Religious Extremists.
So we watched our Government and their employees kill those folks AND LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT.
After all, Janet Reno is still breathing…..which is a shame, really. As are her commanders on the scene. A further shame. You and I and our fellow citizens watched ’em commit murder on live TV.
Today was the day when some colonists chose to stand and fight their government over control….When that Government wanted to take control of the Colonists means of defying the heavy hand of government……And when a government learned what can happen when a pissed off citizenry with arms has had enough. There are those that say (with good reason) that that day, 244 years ago, was the real beginning of the United States of America. (one wonders what those folks might think of the current residents of those lands today, what they have become….I think they’d spit on those resident of Massachusetts today) (look up the battles of Concord and Lexington if you aren’t sure what I am talking about)