But it is mine.
There are some issues that come from any piece of machinery that sits for long periods of time….This was owned by an older couple that didn’t fly much the past few years.
Something flakey with the flaps (they won’t always deploy), but that is easily fixed (likely a limit switch, according to the mechanic) and that did, indeed, affect the purchase price.
I’m gonna have to do the prop, as it it out of date (not time (514 hours since 2005)..)…which also brought the price down.
Other than that, she’s cherry.
Garmin 430W freshly upadated
STec 55X with all the goodies
KMD 150 MFD (needs a database update)
King 197
KNS 80
Dual HSI with glideslopes
514 hours on a factory reman
It will need ADS-B (Probably I will get a Stratus)
New(er) interior and paint in 2010
Trued out at 143 knots at 5K on the altimeter.
It was interesting during the test flight not having the flaps deploy (oddly, they worked on the ground and on the second approach, so I dunno). Made for an interesting first landing in that particular 182. Easy though, especially with a 7200 foot runway.
I got a lot of manuals to read.
Outstanding. Congrats and happy flying!
Don't know squat about aircraft or flying but I got excited about it just reading your posts. BIG new toy! Yea!
I looked it up on Wikipedia and it looks like it has very good range.
Woot for you
Good deal! Enjoy!