But I was trying to do some research on airplanes for a possible purchase and ended up on several airplane forums ….
I mean one might expect some level of disagreement, but the thing is, there is a minimum level of intelligence required to be a pilot, right?
The same infighting, the same unreasonable defense of one brand over another, the same unreasoning hatred of the “other” brand… the same illogic, the same defense of what that person had purchased…
I mean, you can substitute 1911 for Cessna and Piper for GLOCK and see nearly identical arguments (and then sub Mooney for FN to get the REAL argument started)
And the rumors and untruths repeated by people that have never experienced that product, But they know it is true because they heard it from a friend of a friend of a cousin of the brother of the guy who shares the next hangar over….
I guess, no matter what the forum topic, people are people.
And topic discussion fora are really not reliable sources of data. The same level of noise to signal exist there as well.
Those folks that I’ve known that have bought a plane right after they got their license got the most use out of it in the first year of ownership. They flew at least 5 times a month and put well over 100 hours on it. The amount of flying dwindled yearly afterward, as life and maintenance got in the way. The cut off point seems to be around 75-100 hours per year. Above the cutoff it’s more economically feasible to own your own. Less than that, and it makes more sense to rent. But there is something to be said, being able to drive to the airport, knowing an aircraft will be there, exactly as you left it, with no one else scheduled to fly it before or after you.
Maybe a flying club would work as you determine what airplane you like best. Asking other pilots, as you’ve seen, is somewhat like swimming in mud. Everyone has an opinion, and like politics, they’ll stick like glue to their preferences.
But if you’re set on purchasing here’s some things to do (even though you didn’t ask for my 2 cents).
First, figure what your mission will be for 80% of your flights. Cross-country, soloflights, sightseeing, travel for business, personal travel, etc. Then research what types of aircraft will best suit your needs to fulfill those operation(s). If you’re going to purchase a plane, purchase something near the upper end of your budget. Don’t forget the fixed costs too. I’ve seen many that overlook hangar/tie down and insurance costs.
If you’d like an opinion from a former airplane owner, email me.
pretty much cross country and shorter trips with 2-4 people. 100-400 mile day trips and cross country of up to 800-1000 miles more or less monthly.
I'm thinking 182p or q to start. Maybe an RG. I can get one and fly it for a year or so, gain some hours and experience and then decide what I really want….and can likely sell it for what I have in it.
I'm in no hurry, really. Renting (decent, well maintained) aircraft for more than a few hours can be a pain around here though.
B. Check your email.
Partial ownership is another option. Friend is partners in a Mooney and LOVES it, fast, economical, and fully upgraded. 🙂