But really?
I can no longer believe anything the FBI or it’s agents tell me.
Move along, Nothing to see here, Citizen.
In other news: “We have NEVER been at war with EastAsia”.
ETA: (found via INSTY) P much what I said, only written better:retty
There’s no reason to beat around the bush here: what the FBI is claiming is mind-boggling when they claim the shooter had no target in mind. Consider the number of accidents of circumstance you would have to believe were going on here to not have the shooter doing what seems obvious from every piece of evidence we have: researching and planning for an attack on Republicans of some kind, particularly looking for an opportunity when security will be low and vulnerability will be high. This was an attack, not an “anger management” problem.
Step back, though, and think on the institutional conclusions here. Considering how ludicrous the FBI’s conclusions are as it relates to an attack on the third ranking member of the House of Representatives, you might reconsider whether to trust the FBI’s conclusions in other areas, as well. And this is how our faith in institutions is degraded: steadily, gradually, with incident after incident where men in suits stand in front of microphones and make claims we know are not the whole truth.
For a long time now, I have called them the Federal Belligerent Imbeciles.
"There was no 'intent' to harm others". He mistook his sks for his mouth