‘Cause the Muslims get to hold services in a CHRISTIAN cathedral. Seems some chick objected and got tossed out.
I actually believe in religious tolerance. I really don’t care how you worship, or whom you worship. Couldn’t care less., Your business, not mine. Until you make it my business. But there is a point where the Muslims are starting to piss even me off. They (or at least a subset of them) seem to feel that they have to defile every single other religious place with theirs. Now, “Defile” may be too strong of a word, but really. I haven’t ever seen any Christian or Jewish services held in a Mosque. And rightly so. It’d piss the Muslims off. But they seems to feel that doing similar things to Christian houses of worship is ok.
At some point, in order to keep the peace in this country, we are going to have to say, and enforce, “No” to these muslims.
Or there is gonna be a war.
And we are gonna end up like Sweden and England (look it up yourself) and Germany (ditto).
You right friend. Say "No" to Muslims.
Might just as well start now and save our country a bunch of grief.
No Mosques
No Muslims
No Islam
Trouble is what they are.
I didn't say that Moe.
What I said was that they have to have limits, just like anyone else.
And what they want, they ahve to give as well.
I didn't say that Moe.
What I said was that they have to have limits, just like anyone else.
And what they want, they ahve to give as well.
Well B, that would work real fine if they were tolerant people, but they are not.