There are times when I despair that the NRA is run by fools.
Especially when I see things like the below:
I got a nice envelope in the mail yesterday… Cost the NRA $1.72 to mail it to me. A padded envelope.
Upon opening it, I find the letter and a gift.

Now in thsi letter they tell me they are sending me a gift and IN THE SAME LETTER they are telling me that they want to save money by having me change my monthly subscription to an all digital edition rather than the dead tree version. After sending me a nice (but un- needed or wanted gift). And this after sending me over 20 requests for additional funding this year….and not to mention the duplicate mailings for the other person in my household, who receives mail at the same address (we have called and asked that they stop such mailings as they too are a waste of money, but they don’t/won’t). The other half of the letter was, of course a request for even more money from me…
The knife is a nice, wood handled swiss army type knife……

Notice the sticker on the right of the box? I did.
If I thought it would do any good I’d ship it to NRA headquarters (Attention: Wayne Lapierre) with a note attached suggesting what he can do with their Made-in-China piece-of-shit knife. Can’t even use an American manufacturer.
I swear, if I didn’t need the NRA certification to teach, and if membership wasn’t mandatory at my range, I’d cease to be a member.
Fuck ’em.
I got one of those things in the mail AND a Chinese NRA hat. Talk about being color blind.
I'm so sorry that the horrible NRA offended you by sending you something free. I guess it's not good enough for you that they send you free cheap stuff; they should instead send you free expensive stuff. Overprivileged much?
I'm so sorry that the horrible NRA offended you by sending you something free. I guess it's not good enough for you that they send you free cheap stuff; they should instead send you free expensive stuff. Overprivileged much?
Hey, Sam, eat me.
They sent me something I didn't want or need. And in doing so, took the opportunity to ask me for more money. I'd rather they kept their free (cheap and cheaply made) gift and stopped asking me for money weekly. If their requests for money each cost them $.50 (likely more), then they are spending $25 per year, which is what they are asking me for at a minimum.
And if they are gonna give out gifts, why can't they give out some that are MADE IN THE USA.
Perhaps you need remedial reading comprehension courses.
I'm an NRA Life Member, and it frosts me yo no end that they send out this unwanted junk, and mail and email me often asking for more money!
You can turn off the mail, I'm told. I don't know where the box is to check, because I haven't been arsed to look for it yet.
Thing is, the reason the NRA does this is because it works, apparently. For every Mr. B, there are apparently a half dozen people who break out their checkbook for this.
When Shootin' Buddy upgraded his membership to Platinum or Plaid or Patron or whatever at the AM this year, the guy was asking him if he wanted the bronze statue or the jacket or the… "I don't want any of that stuff; use the money to hire another lobbyist."
I've called, and emailed and had no result.
THe mail continues.
I can't even get them to shut off the duplicate magasines