In a little over a month, the trial of Gerorge Zimmerman begins: (ETA: I had misread it as July 10th, So you have less time… Thanks to 3 boxes for the correction)
While we have no idea how long the trial will take, and while we really don’t know what the verdict will be…. At this time the evidence that I have seen and heard in the media and the internet indicates that, if the courts leave politics out of things and is truly impartial, George Zimmerman will likely be found not guilty.
If that happens, then you can expect outrage by people who only see race and not the fact that Treyvon was a thug, who will be outraged that a black man was killed by a white man…and the white man went free…no matter what the facts of the case might be.
That outrage may be fanned into action.
Since this case is, and always has been about race…in fact, were it not for racial politics no matter which races the participants might have been this, case would never have been anything but a police report.
And really, this was all about race in order to fan the flames and generate an “Us vs Them” in order stir up black voters in the presidential election…
But you can expect that if George Zimmerman goes free after being found “not guilty” there will be riots . Likely, even if the verdict is “guilty” there will be riots, if on a smaller scale.
But if the courts look at the facts and find George Zimmerman “Not Guilty”, expect black racists who have already made up their minds to be….unhappy.
Remember the Rodney King riots? Watts?
Might be as bad as that.
Plan ahead. Be smart. Be intelligent. If you live in, or work in, or must pass through an area which might see unrest if the verdict is not palatable to the inhabitants, then prepare. Plan, think. Prepare.
Might be that nothing happens.
We will see soon.
But I doubt it.
I thought the trial started on June 10th, has something changed?
I'm paying attention to how the trial goes for the reasons you named. Either way we could experience problems.
Strange though how no one expects the "White Hispanics" to riot if he is falsely convicted.
I thought the trial started on June 10th, has something changed?
I'm paying attention to how the trial goes for the reasons you named. Either way we could experience problems.
Strange though how no one expects the "White Hispanics" to riot if he is falsely convicted.
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