is likely not the answer anymore. Our very way of life is being destroyed. Slowly, but inexorably.
And the urban portion of this country (click on counties for a real view) has made choices that will change the direction of the country forever…
So what are we left with?
The soapbox has been stolen by the liberals in the MSM. You can’t get anything out there except their agenda.
The cartridge box is certainly a viable (although unpalatable) alternative.
So which box do we open to fix this?
I am open to suggestions.
I wish I had a good, viable answer; but I don't… I'm keeping spare mags loaded just in case!
Thanks for the link my friend. It will eventually be the cartridge box I fear. Right now I say keep the secession talk going and push for State nullification of as much as possible.
The bread box
There's another box, and it's the one you think outside of. You're good at this, and I bet a lot of things are already occurring to you.
The jury box is the logical next step.
It assumes a rule of law exists.