So a few months ago, I got a letter from the IRS. Seems that they could not find a form that my partner and I had filed when doing our partnership return.
No big deal, we sent a second copy…Which they promptly misfiled (or something) as well as the first one.
We next next knew that they had misfiled the second one when we got a letter stating that we had now been assessed fines of $995 (each) for failing to file the forms in a manner that they could not misfile…
So, for the past few months, we have been waiting while they “investigated”…
They finally sent us a letter stating that they had decided to “remove the penalty” … After only 3 months of investigation.. Seems that they found the forms…Of course, they haven’t apologized or anything for making us worry while they took their time investigating their own incompetence. I mean… 3 months?
Were it not for them, I’d have been able to spend the money I was holding in reserve (in case they decided to screw me) on that 1933 Argentine contract Colt 1911 with 200 rounds of original metric headstamp ammo (in the original box) at the Nappannee gunshow. Instead, I kept the money just in case…..
I can’t wait for Obamacare……