When you vote today, say a prayer for our nation. Yes, we will likely have a big change in our legislative makeup. Is this a good thing? Depends. Will we get folks who will actually begin to try to fix things? Will this attitude last? Will they remain willing to do the hard things necessary to repair the damage done to the republic?
Or are we merely substituting a disloyal (R) for a disloyal (D) ? Are we electing another representative who will choose party politics over the will of the people? Or will we get someone who will actually look at the will of the people and vote his/her conscience and do what they feel is right ??
IF the voting goes the way it is predicted, we might well end up with the opposite polarity from what we have now. And that might well be just as bad.
It will be. Both parties are taking us in the same direction, just at different speeds, and by different routes.
And there does not appear to be a way to change drivers, at the moment…