Via the Freeholder we get THIS.
Sad. Embarrassing. And this is a US representative.
I assume that she is a graduate of public schools.
THIS WOMAN CAN BARELY READ! She isn’t even sure what the words she is saying are supposed to sound like. And she is a representative of the people of Florida. Making choices that affect the country. Isn’t there at least a test for our legislators? Like IQ and literacy? (I know that that there isn’t, but for gods sake, there should be…….)
This woman has a Communications/Speech degree from Edward Waters College in Jacksonville….and all sorts of other “education”. Learn more about her here. Makes you wonder what they teach in Florida…..or was she a quota graduate? I know freshmen in high school who can do a better job giving a speech. I know 6 year olds who can read better.
Sad. Very sad. Were I from Florida, I’d be embarrassed. As a Democrat (I’m not one) I’d be mortified…Were I black, I’d be more embarrassed.
Luckily for me, I am none of the above.