Some people exist today only because the law says that we can’t kill them without penalty and they aren’t worth the penalty….


“The father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by the Westboro Baptist Church says an order to pay the protesters’ legal costs in a civil claim is nothing less than a “slap in the face.”
“By the court making this decision, they’re not only telling me that they’re taking their side, but I have to pay them money to do this to more soldiers and their families,” said Albert Snyder, whose son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, was killed in action in Iraq in 2006.”

Via MaRooned I found this info…

Link to donate to help HERE.

I sent $50. You can, if you wish.

If the Phelps family were on fire, I wouldn’t unzip to put them out…..While I am all for free speech, this is insane. The courts have rulesd that there ARE limits to free speech, and this is a case where I think that we need one.

Or then again, just let someone open up on their ass without consequencees. 

I am sure that there would be no lack of volunteers.


One thought on “Some people exist today only because the law says that we can’t kill them without penalty and they aren’t worth the penalty….

  1. Freedom of speech never guaranteed freedom from consequences. This brat needs to feel the consequences.

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