“Some white guy”

 So I stopped on the way to some shopping…

I see these two women on the left side of the road, on the shoulder, hazard lights blinking. I pull over in front of them and walk back to see if they need my help. (I may not be a gentleman, but I can’t pass by a lady in distress)

They had lost the entire exhaust system, catalytic converter back. It was hanging by a thin strip of exhaust tubing and one mount, getting caught under one of the rear tires, and making a lot of dragging noise. Not a big deal, easily removed so they could get on their way. Took less than 5 minutes. 

The one lady was on the phone with someone, and when I offered help, she said into the phone “Some white guy is here and he is helping us”. 

Did I mention that these two ladies were african-American? 

But I wasn’t “Some Guy” I was “Some White Guy” to her. I didn’t care what color they were, I saw two ladies in need of help. She saw a “White Guy”.  

I got them on their way, and her companion thanked me for my help. 

But it was strange. 

“We can’t go anywhere!”

 That is the cry of folks in the northeast that are trapped by the 10-27 inches of snow (depending on locations) from this latest winter storm…

I say, So what? You can’t go anywhere anyway ’cause of Covid, so sit and wait for the streets to be plowed…

I mean, bars, and restaurants are closed, right? You should have at least a few days worth of food…

So what is the big deal, really?

It is sad when I have to remove a blog

 From the sidebar…..especially one that has been there since I started blogging. 

But go far enough around the bend, edit your comments enough, or just plain lose the ability to be rational and I gotta. I once greatly respected this blogger. Sadly, not so much anymore.

Previously, I had only removed folks who had apprently stopped blogging. 

But hey, it had to happen. 

I expect Rear-End-collisions to increase….

 Seems that Pete Buttigieg is gonna be the new Transportation Secretary. You know, the Presidential Candidate that was described by the Media as “The openly Gay Mayor of South Bend, Indiana”….

(actually,  all jokes in poor taste aside, he’s been a pretty good Mayor for that city. and had he been a realistic choice for President, I might have considered him, unlike Biden….and, unlike the media folks, I don’t give a shit who he sleeps with….All I care about is “Can he do the Job?” I dunno how much he knows about Transportation issues, but he is a good manager.)

When your face falls off, or your lips swell up permanently

 Or all your hair falls out…or you have permanent nerve damage….

Remember, the US Government has indemnified the makers of Covid vaccine from any liability.

Now, I’m not saying any of the above things might happen to you when you get the vaccine….For all I know it has zero negative effects….I mean, my medical expertise is not that high…In fact, it is no better than Bill Gates level (neither of us have any, to be exact)…But the actual test pool is very small (so far… it is about to get much, much larger very quickly).

But if some bad result happens from some part of the vaccine, you have absolutely ZERO recourse. The folks that make, distribute, transport, or administer the potion have no liability should something untoward happen to you. They are protected..you are not. Thre is very little you can do…you do ahve a limited abilty to get some compensation from the Feds, but it is limited and is only for a year. 

Me? I intend to selflessly wait until most of my fellow citizens have tested the vaccine been inoculated before me….

If you haven’t read it yet

 You should probably go to read Adaptive Curmudgeons latest thoughts (HERE).

SOmething to think about…

And if you don’t read him when he (isfrequently) posts something new you should. He can be found on the left side of this blog in the bloglist.

didja ever notice?

 A winter storm that happens in the midwest…say 10-20 inches of snow and some wind…..isn’t news on the national level? 

But let a storm even move towards Philadelphia, New York, Washington DC, or Boston and OMFG! Apocalypse! It gets news coverage all over the place. The East and West voast folks could care less what happens in Flyover Country.

Now that it looks like Joseph R Biden will be President….

And, of course, since that makes Kamala Harris his Vice-President:

 Let me state this up front: 

In the next 4 years:…

Joseph Biden didn’t hang himself like Epstien.

He didn’t commit suicide like Vince Foster.

He didn’t die in a car wreck. 

Probably didn’t die from Covid, either. 

I’m not saying he will die in office…

I do, however, expect that he will suffer some tragic issue which will force him to choose to resign, and step aside for Kamala. 

Bet on it.