
When Bubba Clinton got a Hinkleman from Monica (Blue Dress) Lewinsky, and wet his cigar right there in the Oval office, weren’t we told it was his personal business and any issues were between him, Monica, and Hillary? None of our business, right?

Now, apparently, TheDonald may or may not (probably May) have had some kind of relationship with some skank named (professionally) as Stormy Daniels (AKA Stephanie Clifford)….If he did (he probably did) isn’t that their business, and none of ours? I mean, it happened (if it did) before he was president, and on private property and not in a government office ……

I mean, Bubba’s life choices were none of our business (according to the Media and the DNC), why are Donnie’s? Isn’t it between some cheap hooker porn star that can be bought off easily and Donnie and Melania? Or have the rules changed because this time it isn’t a Democrat?

Why are all the women outraged now, when Melania may have been cheated on, and not when Hillary certainly was?

Oh, yeah, ’cause someone in power ordered the Media to tell all these women it matters this time……and that they should be outraged. Because Trump.

Double standards and all that. At least Donnie picked a sorta decent looking party girl and not a tubby Jewish skank (allegedly). 

In case you haven’t figgered it out

I am back in town and no longer on the road. It was a busy last week.

I could tell you what I was doing, but then I’d have to kill you or imprison you or otherwise keep you silent until the Statute of Limitations runs out, and we don’t want that.

Suffice it to say that I was busy.

Depends on the method used:

I have no idea how many folks were involved in the “Grassroots” Astroturf protests yesterday for some undefined “Gun Ban/”Gun Control (which is another topic)…..

But, at the end of the day, if we measure the response the way the media counted the Tea Party protests a few years ago (which were truly “Grassroots”), it appears that there were….143.2 protestors. If we measure it the way they counted the “Million Man March” then there were 20, 457, 874.3 attendees. You decide. I’m not sure which method to use.

Was the media coverage planned/did the networks collude?? You betcha. Were the camera views narrow? Yes. Do I believe the numbers the media put forth? No.

Was this theater for the Liberals? YEP. Do I think it swayed anyone not already Anti-Gun? Nope. But it sure stirred up that segment of the people. 

Yeah, he’s a High School kid:

Not a Crisis Actor.

If you haven’t seen the video of David Hogg being interviewed (before YouTube pulled it) you can find it on Vimeo HERE

Still think he’s just a high school kid? Someone has put a lot of time into grooming this kid to deliver a message.

Video found via Kenny at Knuckledraggin.

I bet he’s paid for by the funds referenced a post or two below this one…..’Cause he’s about as legit as the thought that the kids funded this protest all on their own. 

Differing point of view

So I am at the Tempe Arizona art festival…waiting for some folks….

Now, the festival is in the pattern for departing aircraft from Sky Harbor airport. Lots of passenger jets climbing out…once every 3 minutes or so.

No one notices, until a pair of C-17’s in formation fly over at about 4000 feet.

Then, because the noise level of the pair of jets was a bit higher, a dude said something about “military jets should be banned”.

I said “That’s the sound of freedom, dude, you should welcome it”.

Lots agreement from the others around us.

He whined and walked away.

There’s more folks out there that think like us than we think, they are just silent until someone else speaks up.  Even the artsy fartsy folks. 

So where

Did all these kids get the money to pay for all those trips?

I mean, it isn’t like air travel is terribly expensive these days, but it ain’t an insignificant cost, either. Especially if you are a high school kid.

Yet these kids all fanned out across the country, in some cases speaking at several venues throughout the day…..

Sure as hell didn’t get that kind of scratch babysitting and mowing lawns.

Can the rest of the country not see that this is theater?
Theater staged just for a goal?
I guess it plays well to the liberal leaning folks.

I am reminded of the “Two Minute Hate” from a novel I read about 20 years a go my some guy named Orwell….only this “Two Minutes” was covered (and presented) by CNN and the other media.


ETA: According to Aaron, THIS IS WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM for the “Liberal Heartstrings Theater” production yesterday….

Odd that we cannot get the source of the funds, innit? Betcha CNN won’t bother to tell us, either. 

And now I gotta get a different Credit Card

Seems that Citibank has jumped onto the Social Justice Warrior/Virtue Signalling bandwagon. 

They are restricting some customers who sell firearms and (ghasppp!) High Capacity Magazines! (OMG!)…anyone using them as a bank can’t sell firearms to anyone under 21, even where 18 is legal…and other restrictions.

Fuck em. I can use a different credit card company….and I will. I spent a bot over 10 Large via credit cards last year. Mostly via my CitiCards card. There are, however, other card companies that want my business…..and they, at least, aren’t SJWing against a hobby that is near and dear to me.

They will not gain another nickle from my business. I move a not inconsiderable retirement and investment fund from JPMorganChase last year over SJWing practices, and I can choose who makes money off of my credit card purchases. I figure it’ll cost Citibank about $400 in fees from my purchases alone. 

If you have a Citibank credit card, I urge you to find another card with which to make purchases. Write ’em a letter and tell ;em why you went to another card company.


Sad, but true…..For some folks.

A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, “What are these, Dad?”

To which the man matter-of-factly replies, “Those are called condoms, son. Men use them to have safe sex.”

“Oh, I see,” replied the boy pensively. “I’ve heard of that in health class at school.” He looks over the display and picks up a package of 3 and asks, “Why are there 3 in this package?”

The dad replies, “Those are for high school boys, one for Friday, one for Saturday, and one for Sunday.”

“Cool” says the boy. He notices a 6 pack and asks, “Then, who are these for?”

“Those are for college men,” the dad answers. “TWO for Friday, TWO for Saturday, and TWO for Sunday.”

“WOW!” exclaimed the boy, “Then, who uses THESE?” he asks, picking up a 12-pack.

With a sigh and a tear in his eye, the dad replied, “Those are for married men. One for January, one for February, one for March……. ”